Tim Hawkes (Sudeva) was born and lived until now. He traveled and searched and found – nothing!
This left him clueless to such an extent that he decided to marry. A suitable wife was quickly snatched and a wedding was staged. The little English town of Pinkywinkyton was crowded with crows on that fateful day.

Guests came flying in from all over the continent and in the end, when the wedding vows were spoken, everybody was happy. Here our little story could end, but why would we need a blog, then? See…
One night when he couldn’t sleep, Hawkes decided to write a book “about it all” to kill time. When it becomes a bestseller he will write another one.
He is a dedicated cook and husband and has 23 “Crocodile Dundee”-hats because he lives in Australia. In his spare time he writes poetry, like this:
Oh, delicious porridge
Tim Hawkes, 2018
I’ve got nothing to worry
as long as there’s porridge!
The poem was an instant success at the annual Perth poetry slam, where Hawkes performed it in a three-hour live act while cooking 24 different types of porridge simultaneously on nine stoves.
To contact the author, click here.